My Walden Massage & Holistic Health Services LLC.

About the Practitioner

I completed my initial massage therapy training at the Montgomery School of Bodywork and Massage in Montgomery, Alabama after transferring from the Sterling Health Center Massage School in Dallas, Texas. I entered into the massage therapy and holistic health career field to help others with their health needs. Massage therapy is an excellent outlet for addressing someone’s healthcare needs because it is a great means to help people find some peace in their life. My pre-massage therapist career background involves a mixture of a career in both law enforcement and public service. I received my B.A. in International Studies from the University of West Florida in 2016 and my Master of Public Administration in 2020 from Regent University. Lastly, in my spare time, I enjoy reading, traveling, and experiencing the outdoors. 

- Brian E. Vélez, LMT, BCTMB, CSSI

NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach

AL MT License# 5849

MS MT License# 2860

BCTMB# 2000924